Latest News
May 16, 2023
Dr Li, as a member of the next generation board, recently interviewed by the editorial office of The Aggregate. The interview delves into various aspects of Dr. Li's expertise and accomplishments (interview detail in Chinese)
April 30, 2023
Welcome Tingting as Adjunct Associate Lecturer for being a clinician advisor for our biomedical research! Very much looking forward to hearing more from Tingting about her clinical research experiences to inspire more medical fields!
April 28, 2023
Congratulations to Wenyi for being selected for the RACI National Young Chemists Committee!
April 27, 2023
Very sad to say goodbye to James and Eunice. Both are really lovely people and look after me a lot for setting up the assays! Wish them all the best!
April 23, 2023
Great news of the newly accepted review at Chemistry an Asian Journal on the Chemical and Biological Strategies for Profiling Protein–Protein Interactions in Living Cells! A nice collaboration with Xiaobao!
April 5, 2023
Welcome Praveen to join the group and help us to set up the lab, especially the peptide lab!
March 10, 2023
Establishing the Galleria mellonella model for antimicrobial testing with the assistance of Dr James McKenna from Professor Marilyn Anderson’s group.
March 8, 2023
Very delighted to see our recent work on lipidated antimicrobial peptides has been highlighted by ChemistryViews, “How Does Lipidation Affect the Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides?”! Congratulations to Bruce and Andrew!
March 1, 2023
Welcome Claire from Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences as an internship student in our group!
February 24, 2023
Congratulations to Bruce on the newly accepted article at Aggregate on the effect of tailing lipidation on the bioactivity of antimicrobial peptides and their aggregation tendency! A nice collaboration with multiple institutions! It also got highlighted by the Europe Chemistry Magazine- ChemistryView (How Does Lipidation Affect the Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides?)!